Get ready for the Super Blood Moon eclipse
September 27, 2015
Want to see all the sunrises and sunsets in the world at one time reflected off the surface of the full moon? That’s what we observe during a total lunar eclipse. Combine this with the moon passing closest to the earth during its monthly orbit, known as a supermoon, and you’re in for a rare astronomical treat. If skies are clear, step outside at 3:07 a.m. GMT this Monday the 28th of September and you can experience a phenomenon that hasn’t been seen since 1982 and won’t be repeated until 2033. The Super Blood Moon.
The coppery red hue of a lunar eclipse is due to sunlight through the earth’s atmosphere reflected off the surface of the moon. Though the term ‘blood moon’ wasn’t coined by the scientific community, it has nonetheless become the common term to describe the sight. So common, even the New York Times uses the name in its article about tomorrow’s nocturnal event. Read more here.
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