Category: childbirth
April 5, 2016
Seeding after C-Section: The Fast Track to a Better Microbiome?
Modern day surgical procedures are performed under the most stringent aseptic practices. And for good reason. Postoperative infections, before the practice of sterile technique, were often the cause of greater morbidity than the condition being treated. But there’s one increasingly common surgery that has the potential to get a lot dirtier. Delivering a baby by … Read more
February 29, 2016
Is the UK childbirth policy dangerous?
Imagine being asked to have a haemorrhoid removed without a local anesthetic. Or undergo laparoscopic gallbladder surgery while fully awake. Now imagine pushing a bowling ball out of your body through a hole the size of a golf ball. That’s childbirth. Millions of women do it every day without benefit of pain control or medical … Read more